For those going natural the unfamiliar is always scary at first. But everything God made is Good including your hair regardless of texture, grade or length...

In the Summer of 2006, I decided to grow my relaxer out or transition to natural. I usually went about 3 month without a relaxer so I figured I could go natural and look alright. So I transitioned for 5 months by wearing styles that masked the 2 or 3 different textures in my head such as roller sets, straighten with the flat iron and twist outs. The first 3 months was fairly easier. The 4th and 5th I started to notice a more visible difference between the 3-4 personalities in my head.
One night, I was watching "America's Next Top Model" Cycle 7 the makeover episode. Jaeda's makeover was one of the most dramatic. Her long bra strap hair was crop drastically to the short sexy Halle Berry cut. I loved it. She looked so gorgeous. So from there I said "I'm going to do it, I'm going to cut my hair". I finally had the nerve. I identified with Jaeda, we had similar lengths in hair and I related to her story. I too was always the "pretty girl with long hair". I wanted a change. I needed to know who I was absence of what others said I was. Define my own beauty.
The next day I called my hairdresser who then informed me she was moving, I figured I need to get it over with sooner than later. I couldn't let anyone else in my head with scissors.
I went to her apartment, so she could cut my hair. I wanted the Jaeda hairstyle. She made play sniffle sounds as she asked "are you sure about this? When I cut above the ear there's no going back? I replied "yeah doing it!" I looked at long strands of hair as they fall to the floor and thought I could've donated that.
After she finished, she said "Gurl, this stuff is curling up back here." I said "let me see" I walk to the bathroom mirror. "Oh my God, it's gone." That was my response. "I look a hot mess. What did I do." I was so terrified of my natural texture. It look NOTHING like Jaeda's cut. What was I going to do? Gentry, my stylist, smiling says "well, you wanted to go natural".
"But what am I going to do with this?" "I gotta run up the street to let my husband see?" If he doesn't like it I'm going to perm it. Ben, my husband, don't know I was getting my hair cut that day. He worked at a school about 10 minutes away.
I called him from the car. "Please come outside" I asked. He thought something was wrong. I was pouting and whining the words "Is it ok? 'Cause if not I'll relax it"
"No bay (cause we from down south so we say bay), its ok; its kind of funky, he reassured me.
Okay, my husband's ok with it. I had to get a second opinion. I had to ask Mrs. Greenwood, a friend I knew wouldn't lie to me.
I hid behind the door as I told my husband to ask her to step into the hall. She was like what's wrong, are you ok? Then she noticed "Oh! You cut your hair, Its cute Ms. Tamara. You did it! You really did it!" was the response I got.
I love my husband and Mrs. Greenwood but I know they were lying to me but it made me feel more confident anyway.
Here's a picture from the day after my BC. In photo: me and my husband, Ben. Oct. 2006
I'm so proud of my progress...
For those going natural the unfamiliar is always scary at first. But everything God made is Good including your hair regardless of texture, grade and length...
Be Encouraged...
Great story... In fact its FIRE!!! day one is hard.. but with support our confidence just builds.
ReplyDeleteI am loving your blog, I grew my hair out like 3 years ago and I put a texturizer like an idiot so it has been a year since I am growing that out, but I want to get to the point where I can wash and go because it looks just beautiful on you.
ReplyDeleteI agree i appreciate your transition story, it gives me hope, i cut mine in july, and have my good days and bad days. For the record you did not look a hot mess in your BC pic, i think you looked great.
ReplyDeleteGurl, I think you're to kind:) Thanks for the compliment.
I made the big chop on Friday. Im learning to embrace my new look. I think it has to grow on me.
ReplyDeleteI'm transitionign now, but do not have the guts to get the BC so I'm just going to grow it out with braids and maybe do a little trimming every few months, ut good story.
ReplyDeleteLet me know how it goes. I love hair pix. Be encouraged.
Thank you Tamara for sharing your story & everything else you've learned since going natural. My story isn't as tragic because I've cut my hair & grown it out several times while having a relaxer. The last time I cut it off was about a year ago. After watching my mom & younger sister go natural, I decided to stop relaxing my hair. Over the past year I've been gelling my hair and keeping it short. Recently I decided to grow it out, which is always the frustrating part for me. However, your hair care tips show me that I can do this! Thanks again.
ReplyDeletelove your story! i think your stylist/friend is my friend. She gave me this site...since im going natural! :) i wish i could get over myself and cut it.. :(
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting. I'm glad my homie shared my site with you. I hope this info is inspiration for you.
Hi Everybody.
ReplyDeleteJust this past weekend i've made up my mind to go natural. Since high school (1994) i've been wanting to do it, but everytime i'm in that transitioning stage and see my hair not bone straight, I give in. I think being from california, straight hair is the "accepted" way to wear your hair. Now being in the DC area, I see so many beautiful black women with their natural hair. So.....i've been reading the articles online, and i'm not sure if I can do the the big chop. But i'm really thinking about just "doing it". I guess I can always get a wig if I don't like it. But thanks for all of your stories. They really are an inspiration. Wish me luck. I'm going to the salon Monday.
I went from the pic I have in this profile (circa 2006) and shaved my head totally to a caesar look. My natural hair is now the length in this profile pic (when I blow dry and flat iron it). I didn't have the patience to blow it out and just went bold and shaved it off... it's not for everyone but it worked for me.
ReplyDeleteYour story is great!I didn't transition...well not on purpose I just did the BC.
ReplyDeleteI hope your story helps all the transitioning sisters out there!
OMG, I am so scared (b/c my hair is so damaged that I may have to BC instead of transitioning as I planned) but I feel so good and get so excited just thinking about going natural! How long was it before you saw any progress while growing your natural?? Your hair is just so beautiful, lol, how many times have I made that comment (on facebook)?
ReplyDeleteYes that is a super cute day after BC. I hope that mine looks as good. My husband actually WANTS me to cut it and I'm the hesitant one, but reading more and more stories like this is really emboldening me to keep on transitioning to that big day... Thanks!
ReplyDeleteMy best, Lynn
Hello Tamara! My friend Nikki recommended your blog to me. I just recently cut all my hair off. Well, not quite all, but I am making a transition from chemically relaxed to natural and I am just lost. I will continue to read more from your blog in hopes of finding a solution to my frustration.
I am now wearing my hair natural and loving it. Since it is not cut really short I have trouble with a good style especially for dress up occasions. Old family members had a lot of negative comments and the men who date only "other" women . They can really drop off the radar I love my hair it is a pretty soft texture, to all ladies just love you.